Monday, July 25, 2011

Negotiations Flyer

Click on flyer for large size. Here's the text of the flyer:

Brothers and Sisters:


Your elected contract negotiating team, Keith Stanberry, Ector Ruiz, Jason Calhoun, Able Nuncio, Local Lodge 15 President Byron Williams and your chief negotiators, Grand Lodge Representatives Brothers Dave Porter and Tony Blevins met for negotiations again today with Wyman Gordon. Your negotiating committee exchanged heated discussions over several issues ongoing within the plant, specifically the proposed elimination of our Maintenance Unit members. The parties have adjourned for the day and will return tomorrow at 9:00am and will continue to exchange proposals and counter proposals in an effort of reaching resolution for a Last, Best and Final Offer of which you will have the final say (vote).

The IAM&AW has filed three (3) National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) charges to date, including what we consider the arbitrarily diminishing and elimination of our Maintenance Unit, the Un-Just Termination of one of your committee members and what the Union believes to be bargaining in bad faith.

We are asking for our members support throughout these negotiations and also encourage you to make contact with your sub-committeemen with any issues or questions regarding negotiations. Please remember, if we have not addressed the issues here, they are rumors and if you have issues you wish to be relayed to your committee, please contact your sub-committeeman. For further information, please check your Local Lodge No.15 web site for future updates. Additionally, further updates will be forthcoming as negotiations move forward, please sign up with your email account to follow automatic updates as they become available.

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