Friday, August 5, 2011

Negotiations Flyer #9

Click on flyer for large size. Here's the text:

Brothers and Sisters:


Your elected contract negotiating team, Keith Stanberry, Ector Ruiz, Jason Calhoun, Able Nuncio, Local Lodge 15 President Byron Williams and your chief negotiators, Grand Lodge Representatives Brothers Dave Porter and Tony Blevins met for negotiations again today with Wyman Gordon.

The parties have exchanged Economic Proposals today; we have worked through the majority of the Non Economic Proposal. As expected and your committee was not shocked by the proposal presented by the company. This Economics proposal was below what the IAM and your committee believes to be less than a Fair and Equitable proposal for the jobs you perform. The parties will meet through the weekend in an effort to negotiate an agreement fair to you and your families. Your committee will respond harshly and will demand a Fair and Equitable Economics proposal.

Again, we thank all the members who have stepped forward to man all the committees as requested and continue to get your name to your Executive Board or Sub Committeeman immediately. If you have not completed your application for membership, please contact your sub-committeeman immediately if you wish to attend the ratification meeting, have the right to have a voice on your future and a vote.

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