Friday, October 24, 2014

Directing Business Agent/ District President Election

Please make note of following flier, and insure that it it posted on all Union Boards where IAM represented members work. The announcements were made during the October Monthly Meeting with Nominations due during the Novermber Monthly Meeting and Election to take place during the December Monthly Meeting.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Congratulations Brothers and Sisters, You Have a Contract!!!


EFFECTIVE 8-18-2014

v  3 YEAR AGREEMENT….August 18, 2014- August 20, 2017
v  General wage Increase:

Ø  Upon Ratification a 3% wage increase for the top and 1% for the bottom.
Ø  2nd year a 3% wage increase for top and 1.5% for the bottom.
Ø  3rd year 3% wage increase for the top and 1.5% for the bottom.

v  Article 5.1: Working hours – Company workday implementation – was 8 hours 18 minutes, now 8 hours and up to 12 minutes.

v  Article 8.9 Training facility- Secured language in the contract that the training person will remain a IAM member.

v  Article 12.6:  Members can use 2 vacation days in ½ day increments and members can now use 11 days 1 day at a time and your Birthday is now extra vacation day upon ratification.

v  Article 12.10: Secured language in the contract that members over 40 years of service with the company will continue to receive 40hr pay on their anniversary date and every year thereafter.

v  Article 13: Seniority – Temp. Lead man from 1 week to 2 weeks.

v  Article 13.5e 1: Seniority – Trial Period was a 90-day window to turn down a bid, it is now a 60 days       13.5e (2) and (3) formal training program was a 90-day window to turn down a bid, it is now 60 days. 

v  Article 14.2b: Bereavement increased from 2 days and upon ratification goes to 3 days.

v  Article 16.3 Long Term Disability Increased from $3,000 – upon ratification at $3,500.

v  Article 18: Retirement - Pension for all current employees remains secure and unchanged. Future employees will have 3% company contribution of straight time hours, overtime and bonus into 401(k) plan.

v  Article 19: Group Health Plan Insurance unchanged and will remain per the CBA.

v  Article 19: Life insurance increase from $50,000 and upon ratification goes to $60,000.

v  Appendix 1: Make up overtime – decreased from 30 days and upon ratification goes to 21 days.

v  Educational Assistance – increased from $2,000 and upon ratification goes to $3,000.

v  All current contract language remains unchanged…………………

From your District Communicator:
 Brothers and Sisters, Please keep in mind that there was a great deal of determination and commitment to you and your families demonstrated during the course of these negotiations by your Committee, Directing Business Representative and your Grand Lodge Representative. Congratulations to All.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 9 of Contract Negotiations

5ingradlogoAUGUST 14, 2014
News Letter #9
Your Negotiating Team

Brothers and Sisters:


From your Negotiating Committee Hector Herrera, Kenneth Jackson, Henry Ray Edwards, Jason Calhoun, Local Lodge President Keith Stanberry, and your chief negotiators Grand Lodge Representative Brother James Parker and DBR Brother Byron Williams.
Brothers and sisters, this has been a long and tough day. We are nearing the end of negotiations. Tomorrow we will finalize everything, and then we will need to get the proposal ready to present at our meeting and vote on Saturday.
It is very important that you be at the meeting on Saturday. You MUST attend to vote. The contract vote is:
Saturday August 16th
9 AM, Doors open at 8AM
Please arrive early to check in, so the meeting can start promptly
La Hacienda Ballroom
12503 Telge
Cypress, TX 77429
Please continue to monitor the website for updated information concerning these negotiations. 
                   Your Negotiating Committee
                   United We Bargain, Divided We Beg

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Contract Negotiations Day 8, Something to talk about

AUGUST 13, 2014
News Letter #8
Your Negotiating Team

Brothers and Sisters:


From your Negotiating Committee Hector Herrera, Kenneth Jackson, Henry Ray Edwards, Jason Calhoun, Local Lodge President Keith Stanberry, and your chief negotiators Grand Lodge Representative Brother James Parker and DBR Brother Byron Williams.
The company heard your voice today on the shop floor, and the company came back to the table today in a different mood. Your Negotiating Committee appreciates your support on the floor, letting management know that you demand a good contract.
Thanks to your loud voice, we were able to make large strides today in negotiations. The company did come off a number of proposals, and we made a lot of progress today.
But time is short, and we still have a long ways to go. We are doing everything we can to bring a good contract to you on Saturday.
On the pension issue – continue to let your supervisor know how important our pensions are to us. We are doing everything we can to protect your pension for the future.
Please continue to monitor the website for updated information concerning these negotiations.
                   Your Negotiating Committee
                Together We Bargain, Divided We Beg